addicted too much?
Jumat, 05 Februari 2010 | 0 comments
Finally I can update this bloggie again, Octopuses! Sorry for seldom updating... I was trapped in a boredom situation, and I was too lazy to type some words here, lol. But now, I'm back! (I hope so, lol)
Okay, jadi apa aja yang udah terjadi sama aku belakangan ini? Well, not too much. And nothing special. Aku sendiri udah lupa ada kejadian apa aja, hehe.
Oh iya, yang terbaru adalah : I'll take a photoshoot session with my bestie, Ina. And the photographer will be our talented classmate, Yuda. What was the reason behind this plan? Well, aku sama Ina punya ide gila.
Jadi, kami sering banget ngecover lagu-lagu kpop. Baik itu dari SNSD, f(x), After School, atau bahkan Super Junior. Then, one day Ina revealed her adorable random thought;
"Kenapa kita ga bikin album kompilasi lagu-lagu coveran kita?"
So, here we go. Kami berencana buat bikin sebuah album kompilasi yang isinya hasil coveran kami. Our voices might not as good as those singers, but we do this just for fun. And of course we won't sell the album (aku ga mau deh kena tuduh plagiarism cuma gara-gara ngejual album yang isinya lagu-lagu orang lain, lol).
Nah, buat bikin album ini, rencananya kami bakal rekaman di suatu tempat (masih dirahasiain lol) dan kami berniat buat masukkin beberapa foto ke albumnya. Nah, makanya Insya Allah (semoga jadi) besok kami bakal hunting foto di rumahnya Ina yang notabene selalu punya objek bagus buat dijadiin background. Kami bakal cabut ke rumah Ina begitu pulang sekolah.
Okay... that's it. See? Simpel abis kan?
Terus apalagi ya? Oh iya, alesan kenapa aku ga pernah lagi ngeupdate blog ini. Well, alesanku ga bagus-bagus amat sih :p
1. Males ngetik, entah kenapa. Semangat cuma dateng kalo lagi nulis fanfic TT___TT
2. Too addicted with kpop, especially SNSD.
3. Sibuk 'menjelajah' di Twitter dan forum :)
Oh, almost forget! Aku sama Ina lagi ngerjain salah satu secret project kami; yaitu ngebuat forum khusus SunFany shippers! It'll be called "2Nyted" anyway :) kalo udah jadi, aku bakal ngepost linknya disini :D
Anyway, I planned to change the title of my blog, since there's another blog that has a same title as mine. Do you have any suggestions for my blog's title? :) I'll make a poll for my blog's new title, and please participate in that poll! :D And I'm going to change the layout too. I think we need something colourful and bright here... lol ;)
Ah, I just can't wait for the photoshoot! Hope it'll be as success as we hope~
Okay, jadi apa aja yang udah terjadi sama aku belakangan ini? Well, not too much. And nothing special. Aku sendiri udah lupa ada kejadian apa aja, hehe.
Oh iya, yang terbaru adalah : I'll take a photoshoot session with my bestie, Ina. And the photographer will be our talented classmate, Yuda. What was the reason behind this plan? Well, aku sama Ina punya ide gila.
Jadi, kami sering banget ngecover lagu-lagu kpop. Baik itu dari SNSD, f(x), After School, atau bahkan Super Junior. Then, one day Ina revealed her adorable random thought;
"Kenapa kita ga bikin album kompilasi lagu-lagu coveran kita?"
So, here we go. Kami berencana buat bikin sebuah album kompilasi yang isinya hasil coveran kami. Our voices might not as good as those singers, but we do this just for fun. And of course we won't sell the album (aku ga mau deh kena tuduh plagiarism cuma gara-gara ngejual album yang isinya lagu-lagu orang lain, lol).
Nah, buat bikin album ini, rencananya kami bakal rekaman di suatu tempat (masih dirahasiain lol) dan kami berniat buat masukkin beberapa foto ke albumnya. Nah, makanya Insya Allah (semoga jadi) besok kami bakal hunting foto di rumahnya Ina yang notabene selalu punya objek bagus buat dijadiin background. Kami bakal cabut ke rumah Ina begitu pulang sekolah.
Okay... that's it. See? Simpel abis kan?
Terus apalagi ya? Oh iya, alesan kenapa aku ga pernah lagi ngeupdate blog ini. Well, alesanku ga bagus-bagus amat sih :p
1. Males ngetik, entah kenapa. Semangat cuma dateng kalo lagi nulis fanfic TT___TT
2. Too addicted with kpop, especially SNSD.
3. Sibuk 'menjelajah' di Twitter dan forum :)
Oh, almost forget! Aku sama Ina lagi ngerjain salah satu secret project kami; yaitu ngebuat forum khusus SunFany shippers! It'll be called "2Nyted" anyway :) kalo udah jadi, aku bakal ngepost linknya disini :D
Anyway, I planned to change the title of my blog, since there's another blog that has a same title as mine. Do you have any suggestions for my blog's title? :) I'll make a poll for my blog's new title, and please participate in that poll! :D And I'm going to change the layout too. I think we need something colourful and bright here... lol ;)
Ah, I just can't wait for the photoshoot! Hope it'll be as success as we hope~
Label: About me, Daily story, Experience, Fun, Just babbling, Nostalgia, Somethin' about my blog, Updaties